Addiction Alchemy™

Universal Medicine Wheel ☆ Recover the Sacred

I went walking in Lakes Park just before the sun came up. Spotted a Hawk on the roof next door.. another one walking into the park and another one as I walked over a bridge...round the corner and there is a huge Hawk in the pine tree and in the next pine tree was a very large Pileated Woodpecker; across from him were a half a dozen smaller woodpeckers..amongst all the other birds in the park.. smiling from the inside at the beauty and amazement of God and Nature, thinking that this truly is "paradise", I passed the childrens play area and looked down only to see and find "a pair of dice", blue in color with double 5's staring at me.......... now if this isn't the ultimate paradox, I don't know what is..... God wasn't finished; driving to Captiva for a meeting I spotted an Eagle and an Osprey circling above..many people mistake the Osprey for the Eagle and I got "a bird's eye view" of the two intertwined above.... what an amazing series of events life is....... I AM Blessed!! And that was today.

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Comment by Deborah D on December 1, 2009 at 1:46pm
I am blessed everyday to see hawks on a regular basis..... during a beach walk yesterday there were so many dolphins jumping feeding and playing. it was hard to leave that scene; tarpon rolling and dozens of schools of fish.. we live in an amazing time and place....... blessings

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